Friday, February 19, 2010

How u can help to reduce global warming?????

These are simple ways through which every individual can help to
reduce global warming and everybody needs to do this since its
high time, So I request you at least read this and try to do whatever you can,
And trust me it gives you lot of satisfaction do be a part of something which is good work.

1 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Use reusable products, Use minimum packing products which includes economy size
products since it can reduce the waste which is generated after use.
Try to recycle paper, plastic, glass and Aluminum.

2 Use less heat and Air conditioning

Adding insulation to your walls and windows can help you to survive in Indian
summer and it can also reduce the need to continuous running AC.
Use geyser as and when needed dont put it on for hours because it requires lot of
electricity even if you are extra reach to pay off extravagant electricity bills.

3 Use CFL instead of other light sources

Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) is one of the easiest way to reduce the electricity
consumption since it requires less energy and it produces less heat, and its lifetime
is also much more than other bulbs.

4 Drive less but Drive smart

Less driving =Less emission, Use bikes instead of cars if you have the options cuz
bikes needs less fuels and it generated less emissions, Make sure tires of your
vehicle is properly inflated cuz it improves the fuel efficiency it will also help your
wallet and also the nature.

5 Buy energy efficient products

When you'll buy AC, Fridge, Car, Bike you should go for the energy efficient product
e.g. If you are buying a Electronic Appliances then check the credit rating about
its energy consumption. Also choose the vehicle on the basis of fuel consumption
nowadays every range contains such product no matter whether your spending
50 lakhs or 5 lakhs.

6 Use less hot and cold water.

The reason is to increase or decrease water temperature it has to give heat and
if you can avoid it then it will surely saves some heat.

7 Use Off switch frequently

Whenever your leaving a room turn off the fan, AC, TV and lights if its not required
that will also help you to axe down on your electricity bill.
It is also a good idea to turn of the water tap when your not using it like while
brushing your teeth, Shampooing, washing your vehicles turn of the water until you
really need it.

8 Plant a tree and not the bomb.

If you have the means to plant a tree lets do it, I'll come with you take your friends
with you so while planting you can have some fun with your friends and loved ones.
If your building your new home try to have Rain water harvesting at your place also
while choosing new home you can ask one since that will help you in your water bills.

9 Use your logic and Common sense whenever possible.

There are many things where you can use your common sense to reduce the energy consumption
and I think I dont need to write more about this.

10 Encourage others

Share information you have with your family, friends, neighbors and encourage them to save
energy .

These are very simple 10 basic ways through which every individual can help
to reduce global warming and remember less energy consumption means saving of fossile fuels
since it creates greenhouse gases and these steps will also help you to reduce your budget.

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